Save time by optimizing your month-end process

 A set of accounting tools that allow bookkeepers to close their month faster.

Bye bye Excel!

Finally an online application to reconcile your balance sheet accounts!

Booxii is designed specifically for accountants & bookkeepers.

We are accounting professionals who have been responsible for bookkeeping in hundreds of companies. To be more productive and more profitable, we have developed online accounting tools that will allow you to optimize your month-end process and produce better financial statements, more quickly.

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Reconciling your balance sheets has never been easier!

Our different modules allow you to track your prepaid expenses, your fixed assets, your debts and various accounting provisions.
Prepaid Expenses
Record your expenses in the right accounts, and in the right months.
Accurately track the repayment schedules for all your debts.
Capital Assets
Depreciate your fixed assets in the right category and at the right rate.
Tax credits, royalties, income taxes, be in control of all your provisions!

Prepaid expenses

Easily track and record your prepaid expenses in real-time. Automatically assign them to the correct accounts and months, ensuring accurate financial reporting without the hassle. Stay organized and on top of your finances with precision and efficiency!



Streamline your debt tracking with precision. Automatically reconcile payments, ensuring the correct split between capital repayment and interest. Gain clear insights into your liabilities, making accounting for debt repayments more accurate and efficient. Stay on top of your financial obligations while maintaining perfectly balanced records.

Capital Assets

Easily manage and depreciate your fixed assets by assigning them to the correct categories and applying the right depreciation rates. This feature ensures your assets are accurately tracked over time, simplifying financial reporting and maximizing accounting precision.


Take control of your provisions with ease. Whether it's tax credits, royalties, or income taxes, this feature helps you accurately track and manage all your accounting provisions. Stay organized and ensure your financial obligations are correctly recorded, giving you full visibility and control over future liabilities.


Tell us what you need & [maybe] we will code it!

Designed to allow precise , reliable and automated monitoring of a company's main balance sheet items, Booxii is ideal for accounting firms or professionals offering bookkeeping services and wishing to save time and make more profit. If you have an idea for a new feature or any kind of feedback, contact us to talk about it.

Contact Us

Have a question? We’re here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch. 

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